How Does Life Coaching Work?

What will I expect from you?




Make your life coaching sessions a priority in your life. We are a team accomplishing more together than either of us could do alone. For this to happen, you need to be prepared for every session.




Our life coaching sessions are designed to take you from where you are today to where you want to be. Feedback is encouraged. Let me know how the process is working for you.



Be Truthful

Have fun with this process, and make sure to listen to your heart as well as your head. Pay attention to your intuition and what your "gut" is telling you. These responses occur for a reason.

Mission Statement

Divine Hearts Inspirations LLC exists to be the ultimate model for consoling the troubled, comforting the hurt, bringing wholeness, spiritual maturity and for faithful living. We believe the foundation of our work together will be a one-on-one life coaching session where we can help you move on to your level of happiness and prosperity in your life.

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About Divine Hearts Inspirations

It All Starts With A Good Life Coach

What I do as a Life Coach:
  • Listen to you openly and actively
  • Ask powerful questions
  • Reflect/mirror back to you
  • Offer different perspectives
  • Provide structure
  • Assist in setting goals, planning, and strategizing
  • Hold you accountable for what you want to achieve
  • Trust you to make your own decisions
  • Show up with your best interests at heart
  • Tell the truth
  • Believe in you and your highest good
What I do not do as a Life Coach:
  • Your work for you
  • Judge you
  • Give you legal or financial advice
  • Take responsibility for you or your actions
What I ask from you:
  • Be completely truthful with me and with yourself.
  • Be willing to stretch beyond your current comfort zone.
  • Let me know if something isn’t working for you.
  • Have fun and enjoy the process!
  • Phone life coaching sessions should take place in a quiet environment with no distractions.

We use all modern technology for meeting

Easily Connect With Me

Whether your home, on vacation, on a business trip, or anywhere else, i'm here to meet with you. There is no need to make sure you are physically present or at a certain place during a life coaching session. All I ask is that you find a quiet area wherever you are, and be sure to have an Internet connection for life coaching on Zoom, or service for a standard phone call. If you need to download Zoom, you can do so here:
