
img Divine Hearts Inspirations

About Me

My name is Rosemary Caropolo, i'm a life coach and the CEO and Founder of Divine Hearts Inspirations. I grew up in the City that never sleeps, New York, and have always had a strong connection with adventure and a desire to live life to the fullest!

I am a highly successful divorced real estate administrator for over 20 years, but it came with many challenges, trials, and tribulations. I began to lose myself and the love for those around me. I became filled with anger, fear, and resentment, and on one fateful day ... my world crumbled.

My journey back to self-love was a long and hard road; but with perseverance and digging through the layers of damage, ripping off the masks helped me to heal and resolve the heartache that came with walking completely out of alignment. After time I learned what held me back were my beliefs about how to act and what I was supposed to do with my life.

What was so inspiring to me was with so much beauty and so many unexpected gifts in that scary place of pain and heartbreak, it was then I realized I can utilize my entrepreneurial and social skills to help people heal and open their hearts.

Today I am a Certified Life Coach trained in empowering you to transform and change your life beyond your imagination. This is a faith-based journey using biblical tools God equipped me with to help people heal and create the life they so desire. Everyone’s vision of joy, peace, happiness, and success is different. I work with you to help you heal the pain of your broken heart and to help uncover the vision of greater purpose and a happier heart.

Join the many people I have, and continue to help everyday.
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My Vision

To build my business "without walls", to be a place where broken people can find divine healing, restoring and empowering people through our unique synergy of services so they may be well of mind, body, and spirit and to discover their greater purpose.

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